Google 購物廣告教學
Google近期已經完全在亞洲主要市場開放 Google 購物廣告格式,雖然這類廣告格式在美國甚至歐洲國家都已經投放有些年了,在亞洲算是最新型的廣告類型,也因此吸引了大量的中小型的網店賣家躍躍欲試,看能不能為生意帶來明顯的業務增長。
Google近期已經完全在亞洲主要市場開放 Google 購物廣告格式,雖然這類廣告格式在美國甚至歐洲國家都已經投放有些年了,在亞洲算是最新型的廣告類型,也因此吸引了大量的中小型的網店賣家躍躍欲試,看能不能為生意帶來明顯的業務增長。
Taking another look at my Evernote tag collection of "Frameworks", I might have set a standard too low for what counts as a framework. But nevertheless, I will ...
There's great value in simple frameworks, especially ones that work. For a niche technical field like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it is still best for new...
It sounds stupid telling someone you're learning how to learn. But I believe this is an underappreciated skill and one that I am actively and aggressively tryin...
Google 動態再行銷是個可怕的廣告類型,看起來超強大、ROAS (廣告回報率) 超高,卻也因為其複雜度而變成最難設定好的廣告類型之一。今天就用最簡單清晰的內容一步一步帶大家設定好Google動態再行銷廣告!
What are the essential elements of an E-commerce business? After years of doing marketing at SHOPLINE and helping thousands of merchants grow their businesses, ...
Born a 华裔 in the Philippines, studied Taiwanese textbooks in high school, now working at a startup in Hong Kong, but looking forward to expanding in China ...
Google Analytics 有時候像個深洞,你一掉進去,就無法自拔了。因為裡面可以看到的數據太多了,看一整天都看不完,對於有強迫症的人來說,簡直有種過癮的感覺,好像自己很有效率的在工作,做了一整天的 ”數據分析“,最後還是不知道接下來該做什麼、優化什麼。
There are so many great athletes in the world to provide all the inspiration and motivation needed by every aspiring athlete. But we also have to be honest with...