How to Maximise Twitter as a Learning Tool

You can learn anything on the internet. And Twitter is one of the best tools to do that.

You can find the most knowledgeable people on specific niches, follow them, and start absorbing all their knowledge for FREE!

But when you follow too many interesting people too loosely, you start to get exposed to a lot of noise and a lot less of the valuable signal in your Twitter feed. You might miss highly insightful tweets from certain people or get exposed to the same old news again and again. These are all deterring you from gaining as much value out of the platform as possible.

Combine that with ever-expanding ad inventory and aggressive addiction algorithm, your Twitter feed will start to produce less and less value for you.

It’s now time to clean up your feed. Below is a quick easy way to clean up your Twitter feed and leverage it to start producing more value for you.

Start by unfollowing everyone you currently follow. You can use 3rd party tools to help you mass unfollow. This way you start from a clean slate.

After following back all the high signal accounts you can recall, start creating lists for all the topics you’re currently learning or want to stay updated on. For example, lists for business, startups, tech, crypto, fitness, etc. You can quickly switch between those lists and start catching up and learning. This also helps you from context switching too much.

For each of those topics, start finding people to add. Leverage Twitter’s built-in explore features. Once you start following a few people in those specific niches, you will be able to quickly expand from there.

I find this exercise to be highly beneficial for reducing clutter and getting high value signal as quickly as possible.

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