Whenever I do 1 on 1’s with direct reports, I’d start with “what’s on your plate?”. It’s a practice imparted to me by my previous manager.
As a direct report, I found it to be extremely clarifying by communicating a clear picture to my manager what I am handling, roadblocks I am trying to overcome, or high impact projects I want to start.
As a manager, it helps me understand how full the direct report’s “plate” is and challenges they want to overcome and need my help with. This helps me have a complete picture of their workload/challenges and how I can work with them towards new initiatives and projects. It’s also during 1 on 1’s that I get to gauge their general emotions towards short-to-medium term projects and work direction.
Periodically reviewing what’s on your plate is extremely helpful in progressing throughout your career.
Another way to use this “what’s on your plate” mental model is when transitioning during different phases in life.
What’s on my plate right now? What should I be prioritising or clearing from my plate if I want to start something new?
If I want to pick up trading, what should I give up in return? If I want to help out on this promising crypto project, how should I prioritise my time?
These questions can have a clearer answer once you map everything out by asking yourself: What’s on my plate at the moment?